Positive Money Nottingham is a friendly group of people from various backgrounds who meet every month to try to understand how and why monetary reform is so important to all of us. It sounds like a dry subject, but we try to keep things light and have a laugh.


If you are concerned that the current economic system that brought us recession and austerity is unnecessary, you are 100% right! We will discuss why and what we can do about it.


The next meeting of Positive Money Nottingham will be downstairs in The Castle pub, Castle Street, NG1 6AA (opposite Nottingham Castle) on Thursday August 1st 2019 at 7.30pm.


In our August meeting we will be discussing the potential role for sovereign money creation (SMC) in a Universal Basic Income.


We will also discuss the structure and content of future meetings and how to get more people to spread the sovereign money message.


Out motto is "Every one, tell one" because if you can
   (1) understand the importance of monetary reform, and
   (2) pass on the message to one other person, then
   (3) we can bring about positive change!